Mission Statement
To solve and prevent felony crimes and/or terroristic threats, possession of weapons, vandalism, possession of narcotics, and gang activity which has already occurred, is in the process of occurring, or may occur in the future on Galveston and Harris County School campuses, school buses, and at school events.

What We Do

In 1983, Crime Stoppers established the first Crime Stoppers program within the Schools to encourage reports about terroristic threats, weapons, narcotics, gang activity, and other planned school crimes on school campuses. The Galveston County School Liaison Deputies (SLO) visit’s schools in Galveston and Harris County school districts, and educates students about responsibly reporting criminal activity to 409-763-TIPS.


Our Purpose
Galveston County Crime Stoppers operates 409-763-TIPS, a telephone tip line.  Information about criminal activity is received and transferred to law enforcement for immediate action.  Callers are promised anonymity and cash rewards in exchange for their accurate crime tips.  Our organization provides a safe forum for Students to report crime in their Schools or neighborhoods without the fear of retaliation.  We are the eyes and ears of law enforcement in the community.


You Can Make a Difference in Your School!
If you give valid information on guns, knives, other weapons, drugs, arson, terroristic activity, or on gang activity, you could be eligible for a cash reward if your tip leads to an arrest and charging of a suspect.


Students who step forward with anonymous tips leading to arrests will be eligible for cash awards through the program, based on an internally recognized model.

School and police officials agree that most students want to do the right thing to keep their schools and neighborhoods safe but sometimes fear reprisals. The Student Crime Stoppers Program offers the safety of complete anonymity while promoting responsibility and allowing students to take action against victimization and crime.

When to Call

  • Maybe you overhear someone bragging about having committed a crime.
  • Maybe you know someone who is driving a stolen car...or is hiding from the police...or is a robber or drug dealer.
  • Or maybe you just see something that doesn't look right. A strange car. A person acting sneaky. Someone with a gun or knife.